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Social shopping: How to sell your products through Instagram and Facebook

In an era in which e-commerce is more popular than ever, thanks to its practicality, a new form of e-commerce, Social Shopping, is gaining importance.

Social Shopping allows you to sell more effectively through social media, being especially relevant in Instagram and Facebook.

A few years ago, a brand could only publish photos or videos on their Facebook or Instagram page promoting a product. At most, the link to that product's page could be included in the photo description. That is, it "forced" users to abandon the Instagram app to be directed to your website. This inconvenience caused many users to drop the process halfway and lose those sales.

Social Shopping comes to fix this, simplifying the purchase and making the way much shorter for the user. This option allows you to create products on your Facebook page (which will be the same ones that will appear later on Instagram). Imagine you have a furniture brand: you post a picture on Facebook of a living room in which several pieces of your furniture brand appear. In this photo you can identify the products that are in the image, allowing the user to see the price, characteristics, dimensions, among others, and click the "Buy" button.

An excellent tip that we can leave you on Social Shopping is that you should produce content as natural as possible. That is, think about what context your customers will use your product and create photos and videos that replicate these situations. The same example: If you are selling a bedside table, insert it into a picture of a room.

If you would like to have this option on your company's Facebook page, simply use the Shopping page template by selecting this option in Settings. One big advantage is that when you create your shop on Facebook, you are automatically creating it on Instagram as well.

Next, start selling! Take advantage of this feature and increase your brand's profitability, while promoting your social media pages.

Zalox is a Digital Marketing Specialist! We create your company's digital strategy and help you achieve your goals. Contact us!

