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Why you should integrate a live chat on your mobile app

A recent survey by Hubspot found that over 80% of mobile app users require less than 10 minutes of response time from brands.

That is, users want low response times, as nowadays there is no time to waste.

The same study showed that the customer satisfaction rate in the real-time chat is the highest of all channels, and the vast majority of all chat interactions happen via mobile devices. This data demonstrates the importance of the live chat feature nowadays.

In this article, we will focus on the importance of integrating a chat into your mobile application.

At a time when the user experience is increasingly prominent, companies have been striving to keep their audience happy. Integrating chat features into mobile applications is a great example of how companies can make customer relationships closer and more immediate.

Live chat is an online communication service that allows users to interact directly with the brand or company. This is especially relevant these days as it has been shown that customers prefer modern communication approaches over standard and more traditional communication channels such as email.

By integrating chat software into a mobile application, the advantages are clear:

  •  Continuous customer support through the mobile application;
  • Best user experience
  • Increased conversion rates;
  • Less likely to be negative reviews.

When a user seeks assistance within a mobile app, what usually happens is that they are redirected to a different platform or an external link, leaving the app. This path hinders the user experience and may motivate the user to uninstall the application. Adding a chat to the app solves this challenge.

Regarding the increase in conversions, this is explained by the fact that by not being forced to abandon the app, users are much more likely to complete a purchase.

In addition to the live chat option, you can also choose to use a chatbot. Although not a real conversation with a human, some chatbots are already developed enough to effectively simulate interaction with a human.

If you would like to create a mobile app or integrate a chat into your existing app, contact us, we specialize in mobile app development.
