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How to build an Instagram presence in 2019

When Instagram was launched back in 2010, no one could guess the impact it has today.

The social network had more than one million registered users two months after its launch, but today it has exceeded a billion users.

As might be expected, although the basis of Instagram is the same, much has changed since 2010, forcing users - individuals or brands - to adapt to change. In this article, we give you some tips on how to build a presence on Instagram in 2019.


Be original in the type of content you share

One of the first decisions you make when you create a professional account is what type of content will you share in your feed. Initially, Instagram was geared toward photography enthusiasts, but today its purpose is much broader.

In the main Instagram feed, you can create three types of posts: single photos, a photo carousel, or videos up to one minute long.

One of the tips we can give you is to create publications that you think your target audience would like. Thus, you should study the profile of your audience before posting any content. Your brand followers will be more likely to interact with your posts if the content pleases them.

You can and should explore other features like stories, directs, and IGTV.


Switch between popular and niche hashtags

Using hashtags is virtually essential, especially for professional accounts. When you add hashtags to your post, you should use both popular and niche hashtags, that attract users specifically interested in that subject.

Being assertive in choosing which hashtags to use remains one of the best strategies for attracting Instagram followers and likes.


Schedule publications

Publishing consistency is one of the most important factors in managing your brand's Instagram account. However, we are not always available 24 hours a day. An excellent tip for maintaining this consistency even during holidays, weekends, and outside working hours is to use post scheduling software. View your account statistics and schedule your posts for the best performing days and times.


Final Tip: Test All Features

Instagram is constantly introducing new features, so we advise you to try out all new features every time they are released.

All new platforms and ways to create content can be opportunities to increase reach and interaction with followers. Stay tuned and try them out as they become available!
