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Marketing and Sales Teams: Why is it important to align them?

Usually, companies have separate Marketing and Sales Departments, although ultimately working towards a common end goal.

If the goal is to increase brand reach and awareness, we immediately associate Marketing. But if the goal is to drive revenue, it concerns sales.

Often, however, we seek to achieve broader purposes such as building a customer relationship, which may be related to both the Marketing and Sales Departments.

Their functions often seem to overlap, but there are clear differences between them, which make them complement each other. Next, we'll cover the differences between the Marketing and Sales Teams and how they align to achieve the best results for your business.


The Marketing Team

The Marketing team uses a set of techniques to reach the target audience and convert them into qualified leads. The marketing team is the most responsible for creating a positive reputation for your brand.

They are responsible for developing and executing the company's marketing strategies, planning campaigns, promoting public relations, email marketing, managing social media, among others. All these aspects are important for creating buzz around a brand.


The Sales Team


The Sales team is the focal point for the growth of any business that lives off the revenue generated by selling products or services.

This department is responsible for presenting potential clients with the best solutions to solve their problems.

They combine a variety of functions from meetings, making phone calls, demonstrating services and products, contact networks with potential and current customers, negotiations, among others.


That said, why is it so important to align marketing with sales?

Today's traditional marketing and sales funnel have changed. Customers have changed and consumer habits have changed too, so you need to think of new ways to get customers.

Your business will not be able to sell without first attracting customer attention, making sales dependent on marketing. And, on the other hand, there is not enough effective marketing if there is no qualified team to close sales.

Thus, it is necessary to do extensive work, covering various areas within the company and ensuring that all teams work towards a common goal.

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