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Have you used LinkedIn's voicemail message feature?

A few weeks ago, professional social network LinkedIn announced that it would provide the functionality of sending voice messages in its latest update.

The new feature, which is already particularly popular in WhatsApp, aims to expand the ways LinkedIn users communicate with other users. In the blog post announcing the introduction of voice messages, the social network demonstrated the intention to make it "easier than ever to communicate whenever you want, whatever you want with the professional community."

At this time, users can record and send voice messages with a maximum of one-minute duration, ensuring faster and more efficient communication. Recording and sending voice messages is only available for the LinkedIn application for iOS and Android, although users can receive voice recordings when using the desktop version.

LinkedIn believes that this new feature will be more profitable for users, who often consider the action of typing very boring. For those who need to complete several tasks at the same time, for example, while walking, or want to give a detailed explanation, voice messages allow easier and faster communication.

However, not everyone considers this change positive. For users who are already bombarded with written messages from outsiders who promote products and services through LinkedIn messages, voice messages can add to the problem.

The new voice functionality is the latest of several new updates to the LinkedIn messaging service. Other news includes the ability to send attachments or mark other LinkedIn users in messages. The LinkedIn app now also lets you use emojis and GIFs, which many users find completely unnecessary since LinkedIn is a social network geared towards professional relationships and as such, the conversations will take a more serious tone.

Have you used LinkedIn's new voicemail feature yet? If so, do you think it is useful? Share this article and leave your comment on our LinkedIn profile.
