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Google Flutter: how Google is facilitating the development of apps

Consider the following situation: you are assigned the responsibility of creating a mobile application in a few days and the project deadlines seem to be constantly skidding. Google proposes a solution.

Development takes much longer than initially planned and the platform does not help the rapid progress that the customer expects and desires. This scenario is quite common in the environment of technology companies, with development teams constantly startled due to the volume of work they have at hand.

Fortunately, the solutions available are constantly evolving, offering alternatives to teams. This is the case with Flutter, a mobile application development framework created by Google that promises to change the way companies develop apps.

But what makes Flutter so different from existing solutions and how will it save me time and energy? Here are the reasons why programmers around the world are using Flutter:

Short Learning Curve

Mobile application developers tend to always use frameworks that have already been tested and approved by themselves, avoiding trying new platforms. Leaving the comfort zone and using new frameworks is not easy, especially since it involves learning everything over again, taking a lot of time.

Google Flutter came to help get around this issue because, for many programmers, it confers a short learning curve. After a few days, most programmers dominate Flutter and can begin to develop their applications. Extensive documentation facilitates this learning and is even simpler if you already master JavaScript or Java.

Quick Development

One of the great, or perhaps the biggest, benefit pointed out by those using Flutter is the rapid development cycle. You can clearly see how your application will stay during the programming process. Several customizable widgets allow you to create native interfaces very quickly, and this helps developers to fix bugs quickly and thus accelerate the development of the mobile application.

Any Platform

Flutter lets you create applications for Android, iOS or any other mobile application development platform. In addition, it works equally well for building cross-platform applications as well as native applications.

Everything from navigation, scroll, icons and fonts are embedded in widgets, filling in the gaps between the various platforms.

Large library of plugins

Flutter has an extensive library of plugins, widgets, tools, among others. Additionally, you can customize widgets according to your needs. Creating mobile app elements using these widgets and plugins is an easy task and makes programmers' lives much simpler.


Being a Google product, programmers' expectations about Flutter are high. With interesting advantages such as incredibly fast performance, shorter development cycles and short learning curves, it will surely be an option to consider for any mobile application development team.
