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From now on you can post to Google My Business

Google Posts is finally available to all Google My Business users.

Google My Business is a free tool that lets you manage the digital presence of businesses and organizations on Google, from surveys to Maps.

Google My Business has many features that allow businesses to efficiently manage their online presence. Among other options, this service allows:

  • Check your business information

  • Manage customer reviews

  • Update address and opening hours

  • Publish company photos

The Google My Business Posts

Google My Business Posts enable businesses to advertise their events, products and services directly from Google search and Google Maps. So whenever a person comes across your business on Google Maps, for example, posts made through Google My Business will appear.

To create a post, simply log in to Google My Business and select the location you want to manage. Click Create Post and you'll immediately see options for adding text, photos, and events. You can also add a call-to-action button with actions like "Learn more", "Buy", "Subscribe". Then just enter the relevant information and publish. In just a few minutes, the content will appear in search results and Google Maps.

Google posts were first launched in January 2016 under the name of "candidate cards", initially available to political candidates to publish content. A few months later, the functionality was made available to a very limited number of small businesses and is now available to any business regardless of size or location.

Google My Business and Posts functionality are completely free.
