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Snapchat vs Instagram Stories: On what platform should businesses announce?

The technology world loves a good battle. Whether Facebook vs Google, Apple vs Samsung or iOS vs Android, the competition is constantly present.

A more recent battle that has interested technology and social media enthusiasts is the conflict between Snapchat and Instagram's new feature Stories.

Snapchat was launched in 2011 and has taken the world of social media by storm by offering an innovative format: sharing and sending instant messages, photos and videos that disappear as soon as they are seen. In May 2017, Snapchat has 300 million active users.

However, Snapchat's hegemony was threatened in August 2016, when Instagram released Instagram Stories, the new feature that allows users to do exactly the same thing as Snapchat, with the difference that photos and videos only disappear 24 hours later.

In April 2017, Instagram has more than 600 million active users and has reached 200 million daily users in Instagram Stories, surpassing Snapchat.

For brands that ask themselves in which social network they should bet their content and ads, we will evaluate the data available.

As we mentioned before, Instagram has a lot more active users than Snapchat, and Stories has also already surpassed the Snap Inc. app. The 200 million daily users of Stories leave no doubt that it is the new favorite of social media users.

A TechCrunch report found that Snapchat declined 15-40% after the release of Instagram Stories and that most digital influencers reported 3 to 5 times greater engagement rates on Instagram than in Snapchat.

From a commercial point of view, the data also favors Instagram. By looking at prices, ads on Instagram Stories can cost up to half the price of ads on Snapchat and show a higher ad serving rate for the entire ad.

Reflecting on the data presented earlier, it seems quite clear to us that the future is in Instagram Stories and that is where companies must migrate and focus their resources.
