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Digital Marketing: why is it essential to have a blog in 2021

We repeat the same every year and it is not in vain: having a blog is extremely important for any company's digital marketing strategy. Read on and find out why!

A blog is a very powerful component of any digital marketing strategy. Studies show that they increase leads and the entrance of users to the site. A well-written and updated blog often allows your visitors to acquire knowledge about your company, its products and services and convert them into customers.

As we mentioned, a blog is a great aggregator of users for your site and the more people you attract to your site, the greater the number of conversions. Write content on your blog that directly answers your potential customers' questions and concerns. Consumers like to be informed and feel that the company has the know-how to teach them. Focus on the benefits that your product offers to your potential customers, creating in them a desire to fill their needs through your services. This creates value for the brand in the eyes of the consumer.

Social media also play an important role, directing people to your blog and, consequently, website. Sharing articles from your blog on social media platforms can increase their views by providing an opportunity to click through to your site.

On the other hand, blogs play an important role in SEO. The constant introduction of new content is a positive factor for Google's ranking, improving your position. Try to use specific keywords related to your product/service so that Google can more easily find your content.

Take advantage of your blog to increase brand awareness. Brand awareness is central to any business and your blog can help you create that connection. Take advantage of the blog articles to tell stories and show the personal side of your brand, increasing the connection with your reader and potential customer.

Include several members of your team in the production of content for the blog. Encourage them to share their experiences and you will see that you will always have fresh and interesting content on your blog.

A blog is an essential resource in the digital strategy of any business today. What are you waiting for? If you need help creating content for your blog contact Zalox, we can help you define a Digital Communication strategy for your company!
