How to Build a Digital Marketing Plan for a New Year?
In today's always-online society, a business can thrive or fail based on its digital marketing plan.
A good digital marketing plan covers several interconnected channels. Your company website, blog, pages on social networks, advertising, among others, are channels that should not be seen as independent but as integral parts of a larger strategy.
Knowing how to use each of these platforms efficiently and in favor of your brand is essential, and for this you need to build a robust digital marketing plan.
To build this plan, it is necessary to go through 4 different steps that we will explain.
1. Evaluate the digital marketing strategy so far
If you are starting to outline your strategy and there has never been a previous effort, there is not much to do but identify the needs of your brand. If your company has already planned other digital marketing campaigns previously, you should start by making an assessment that includes, but is not limited to, the following issues:
In what social networks is my business present? In what social networks is our audience?;
What other marketing campaigns have we done previously? What failed and what worked?
What are the goals for this year/semester?
2. Create a plan and set a schedule
In outlining your digital marketing plan, you should take into account the answers to the questions mentioned in point 1, and make a survey of the actions you intend to develop, choosing carefully the platforms used.
Then you need to set a clear schedule. All stages of the process must have realistic and objective deadlines and be aware of all human resources involved. All stakeholders in the implementation of the plan need to continually monitor its progress in order to adjust it as needed and to take responsibility for its role in implementing the strategy.
3. Putting the plan into practice
Now that the schedule is clearly set, it is time to start your digital marketing plan. There are many marketing tools that can help you more efficiently manage the different channels involved, such as social media management software.
Remember that it is normal to have obstacles and fail some deadlines, the important thing is to adjust your strategy and continue to implement your plan.
4. Use Analytics data to optimize
In the months after you launch your digital marketing plan, you should measure the effectiveness of your plan through Google Analytics data. All successful marketing plans have been adjusted several times until they reach the last version. Another great way to evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign is to ask new customers how they found your business.
A dedicated team should constantly evaluate the available data and optimize its strategy. Follow these four steps and develop a consistent and smart marketing strategy.