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Advantages of creating a website in Wordpress

Wordpress is a content management system (CMS), which is a software that allows you to manage the content of a website.

This platform allows you to create very complete internet pages, create and edit content pages and menus, as well as manage multimedia content such as images and videos. Although Wordpress has started as a platform essentially for blogs, at the moment it works for all type of sites, from online stores to corporate websites.

Wordpress is versatile enough to support various types of pages, much thanks to its features and extensions available. The main advantage of Wordpress is to be Open-source. The Open Source concept emerged in the late 1990s by the Open Source Innovation (OSI) movement. This organization defined ten criteria that a software must respect in order to be considered Open Source, the most important of which are Free Distribution and Open Source Code.

Free distribution refers to the fact that free software, such as Wordpress, is free of any restrictions or commercial restrictions, that is, access is free. On the other hand, the Source Code being Open means that the source code is available for anyone to query and change in order to best meet your needs. This way, anyone can download the software and use it in any way they prefer.

Like other Content Management Systems (CMS), Wordpress has free templates. However, resorting to such templates can leave you susceptible to some dangers, such as the existence of malicious content in the code. Using a team of professionals, it is possible to create a template exclusively yours. We recommend that you use a company that accompanies you throughout the process and helps you in structuring the project.

Among other advantages, it guarantees that no page of another company will have a design equal to yours. A team of professionals can organize the content in the most appropriate way, with a design tailored to the project objectives and personalized programming.

On the other hand, having a team of professionals working on your site allows you to design a more efficient responsive website, an essential feature currently. With the increasing use of mobile devices, smartphone and tablet searches already outpace computer searches in some countries. The consumption habits of the Portuguese follow the trend, with mobile devices taking on a huge importance in the lives of Internet users. It is therefore essential that your site is compatible with mobile devices.

Having a responsive website design means that the site is suitable for viewing on any mobile device regardless of the size of the screen. Thus, a responsive site reorganizes the contents according to the resolution of the device where the site is viewed, which allows the user to view the site without having to resort to the magnification tools.

Zalox develops fully configurable internet pages and delivers site control to customers. The Front-end (visual component of the site) is designed to provide the best visitor browsing experience, enhancing the conversion of that visit into one more business. The sites developed by Zalox are completely compatible with mobile devices. We work with content management systems (CMS) such as Wordpress, Joomla! And Drupal.
