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Zalox was present at the Plug-In event promoted by ESMAD

Zalox, represented by our CEO Francisco Cardoso, was invited by the School of Media Arts and Design (ESMAD) to attend the Plug-In event.

The event took place on January 16, Wednesday, and aimed to foster partnerships for curricular internships and project development. One of ESMAD's major concerns is the integration of the finalists in the job market, which is why ESMAD selected companies that work in areas that students can work in the future.

The event began with an opening session, followed by a speed-dating model in which the students contacted directly the representatives of the invited companies, who were present in several rooms.

Zalox’s CEO had the opportunity to talk with many graduating students such as Design, Multimedia and Communication Technology and Audiovisual and present our company's areas of expertise, the work offer and the profile of the candidates we are looking for.

It was a very positive moment of interaction and exchange of information between companies, students and teachers. Zalox thanks ESMAD for the invitation and is sure that a door has been opened for further collaborations in the future.
