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The importance of blogs for companies

At a time when the focus of Digital Communication turned to social networks, it is important to discuss the importance of keeping a blog on companies’ websites.

The hegemony of social networks is of particular concern because it can drive up traffic from social networks. You can do that, for example, by sharing blog posts on these platforms.

Blogging as a communication platform is increasingly popular, and there are even many websites that work in the form of a blog. We can identify two main approaches to the concept of a corporate blog: blogs with a commercial purpose and blogs that do not have a commercial purpose. In either case, the blog continues to be an important communication tool. In this article, we explore the advantages of this platform and indicate you the reasons why your company should create a blog if you do not have it yet.

First, blogs are a great alternative to the News section of company websites, very popular a few years ago. Companies chose to include this section on their sites but didn’t update it for lack of relevant information. Thus, the blog is a more relaxed platform where companies can write about products and the market segment in which they operate. For its versatility, a blog is easier to maintain than the News section.

Additionally, blogs attract traffic to the company website. If you want to do business through your company’s website, you need to have traffic on your page, but as mentioned, often the content is limited, and there is no place for many updates. A blog is a perfect solution for this.

You can generate relevant traffic to your page using keywords in blog publications. When you publish an article on the blog, it creates a page associated with your site, which turns into another opportunity to appear in search results and drive traffic to your site.

Additionally, blogging is the best way to share more information about your industry. Posting content that provides useful and relevant information to visitors of your blog demonstrates knowledge, and as such, people will see your blog as a reference and refer to it in the future. A blog means consistency and credibility and, as such, the blog content of your company should reflect the values ​​of your brand. In short, a blog can become a kind of specialty magazine.

The content you put on your blog will help you get closer to customers and to empathize with potential clients. This is one of the main reasons why many large companies use their blogs as the primary potential customers leads generator.

If your company's blog has a commercial purpose, you should understand that its online success requires strategic content and that any marketing strategy should be based on a regularly updated blog.

Zalox can develop your company’s blog, creating the technological part and layouts, and also help you with the content. We work with WordPress and other content management systems.
